rungus zone


welcome to the rungus zone!

i'm rungus

Welcome to my little corner. I make silly things and put them on here sometimes.

My favorite is probably , but I've made other dumb things.

the randomizer

current projects

I'm working on Bucket, a Discord AI Chatbot that is based on messages from your server.
You can take a look, and learn how to set it up (it's easy!) on GitHub by clicking this sentence!

I also made a ROBOT9000 discord bot, I call it rung9k. You can check it out using this link!

I'm also working on my own RSS Aggregator to show news feeds, but serverless!
If you'd like to help, you can check out the project on GitHub!

where am i

You can find me on serveral places! I'm on and as @rungulus
I'm also on Mastodon: @[email protected]
GitHub: /rungulus
and finally, YouTube: /@rungus


And of course I have my own Discord server, what early 20s failboy doesn't have one?
You can click here to join it, if you want.

tos - cdn © rungus